Our documentary “The Asian Financial Crisis and its Aftermath”, produced for ZDF/Arte, ZDF Info and Deutsche Welle, has reached 4 million views on Deutsche Welle’s website!
Prounen means objects in space. We are a production team in which producers and authors often have convertible roles.
in production

8 x 26 min.
In this series, we explore the essence of urbanity by looking at bars and restaurants as symbols of metropolitan culture. We present more than 30 of the world’s best design bars and restaurants.
It will be a fascinating journey around the world to discover the mysterious excitement, sensual magic and contemporary design of these outstanding sites.
Bangkok, Vienna, Tokyo, Paris, New York City, Berlin, Singapore, Stockholm, Johannesburg, London, Amsterdam, Madrid, Munich, Nairobi, Oslo, Brussels, Shanghai, Hamburg, Mumbai, Venice, Warsaw, Lisbon…
40 x 5 min./6 x 20 min./2 x 52 min.
There were the world -famous series by and with Anthony Bourdain, who has passed away.
Someone ventures into the hustle and bustle of the evening and the night. To places where cities are full of people, small squares, narrow alleyways. They come after work, are couriers or from the factory or the office and eat here quickly and informally alone, but usually together with others, before travelling on to their homes. They eat on the street or in improvised verandas by the road.
It is not the cook or the products that are at the centre of the images and the little story here, but the bodies, the people, the faces, the steam, the movements, the bright lights, the shadows = in the Heat of the Night.
THE 24h LE MANS MYTH – Pushing the limits
1 x 44/52 min.
The 24 Hours of Le Mans. The toughest car race in the world. Glamour, glory; it’s like the Champions League final. The drivers are pushed to their physical limits and beyond during the 24 hours. It is also the battlefield of the engineers and the brands.
WHY THE HYPE? The prestige of the world’s luxury brands is closely linked to Le Mans. The cars that win here and pass the maximum endurance test are simply the best. That’s why designers and managers are real stars in this competition. There is a lot at stake. A lot of money is at stake in the luxury segment of the automotive industry. Which is still one of the pillars of our prosperity
We develop the majority of these projects ourselves, from our offices in Berlin. We then share the initial concepts with producers and authors, directors and distributors all over the world: Germany, UK, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, China, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, before coming up with a detailed narrative. We are constantly learning from each other, while hoping to realise projects with a genuinely global perspective and relevance.

Joint forces, joint brains, joint networks in a producer’s alliance
Prounen Film/Berlin – sd cinematografica/Rome – Picasso Film/Prague – The Flying Kick Asia/Singapore + Taiwan – eyeconic works/Berlin – Flix Oven/Seoul – Endless Blue Films/Lisbon – Palapagos Film/Padua
We see our task as being able to realize landmark projects that remain valid over a longer period of time. And thus function successfully in analogue TV. But also as magnets on the platform = other projects can dock on (immediately or later) in order to attract and satisfy interest in the long term. That is our ambition.
We have formed a producer’s alliance to bring together talent, production infrastructure and international networking. That will enable us to guarantee stable and efficient structures, bring international co-financing with us and produce faster and more cost-effectively through existing international networks, especially in Europe, East Asia and North America.
The films explore a wide range of subjects, drawing inspiration from science, history, contemporary events, art and culture. Over the past few years, we’ve produced a number of short documentaries featuring remarkable individuals who have played a pivotal role in shaping our current landscape, showcasing their unique contributions in online series.

In our online series, we profile individuals who are shaping the present and future with fresh contributions in fields such as architecture, design and governance, e.g. Leading Women.

We are tackling some of the most fundamental challenges of our time. These include transitioning to sustainable energy sources, rethinking our approach to food, tackling the complexities of megacities and urban planning, managing increasing resource scarcity, and racing to find solutions to emerging scientific threats. We also delve into the fascinating stories of the development of the microchip, proteomics and healthcare.

Our focus and questions tend to be global in scope, because the challenges of our time often require global solutions. We believe strongly in the power of cross-cultural learning and collaboration to address the pressing issues of our time.
Our team reflects this global perspective. Above all, we are committed to mutual learning, which enables us to deliver projects in a way that is both relevant and sustainable.
Development in progress
THE (irresistible) SUCCESS STORY of pasta
We have commenced pre – production of this 52 min. in length (charming) story on how pasta became first an Italian modern lifestyle brand and then a global success story.
In co – operation with ARTE and Bayerisches Fernsehen and in coproduction with SD Cinematografica, Rome.
Pasta is thus multi – diverse under just one term. It embodies regions and regions within regions. It thus reflect Italian identity, because regions come first, nationality second.
And when Italian films and stars like Sophia Loren and Fernadel and others propagated and exemplified this attitude to life in America and were then enthusiastically taken up by American stars who also travelled to Italy themselves and became fans of this popular yet complex and grounded Italianità, it was only then that Italians began to identify with their pasta and live everything that is associated with it. And so, step by step, pasta becomes a global success.
RHYTHM arises when chaos, fear, grief, struggle, passions are so strong experienced and felt — or this was felt long ago, in archaic times — that they threaten(ed) the order and balance of the community.
The willingness not to perish as a community takes the elements of chaos and threat and begins to transform them into a rhythm. Chaos becomes an initially brittle and fragile, then increasingly suggestive form, not infrequently ecstatic. The greater the threat of chaos and affect, the greater the force of the rhythm, the success of which turns chaos into positive form.
The existential, extremely affect-related origin of the rhythms presented is what makes the series so attractive. All rhythms here have an archaic core; they always also signify the triumph of culture over nature and affect.
A film by Ying Jiang, Claire Floquet and Michael Trabitzsch
Urbanisation is transforming 21st century culture around the world. Nowhere is this transformation more palpable than in Asia, and nowhere in Asia more than in China.
From the West, from Europe, it looks like the herald of the apocalypse, like a synthesis of chaos, noise, narrowness, loss of individuality. That may be so, for many people, for many years. But these urban centres are the source of growth and progress in China and around the world. They will not only help to shape the culture of the 21st century, they will significantly influence it.
A report on some of China’s megacities. Role models for the city of the future?

Emilia Zieser

Cristina Beretta

Julius Mwelu

Miho Abe

Thorsten Pengel

Ying Tong Chng